How To Prepare Herbs

There are several ways to use herbs, here is an overview of each.

    There are actually two ways to make a tea. You have Infusion and Decoction.

  • An infusion is made by pouring boiling water into a cup or teapot. The general rule for making any tea of either form is 1 teaspoon of herb to one cup of water. Infusions are mainly flowers and flowering tops, and leaves. Let steep in the water anywhere from 5 to 15 minutes depending on your taste. It is best to cover any herb that is aromatic for optimum flavor. Just strain and enjoy!

  • A decoction is used when you are working with roots, bark or any other hard material. You place the herb in the pot with water and bring to boil together. Then simmer for 15 to 30 minutes.
    A tincture is a dried or fresh herb soaked in a concentrated liquid extract such as liquor, glycerin, and raw apple cider vinegar called a menstruum. All these can be mixed with water to suit your individual taste except for the vinegar which you use undiluted.  I prefer to use Vodka 100-150 proof.  Liquor tinctures have a 5 year shelf life compared to glycerin based which is 2 years.
Here is a basic tincture recipe;
             4 oz of fresh herb or,
             2 oz of dried herb
             16 oz of menstruum (Glycerin, Vodka, Rum, etc,.)
             1 quart jar with a good sealing lid
Crush or chop the herbs finely.  Place in jar and add the menstruum to the herbs.  Seal and give a good shake and then set in a warm place like a window sill.  Shake at least two times a day to mix.  In two weeks strain and pour into dark glass jar and store in a cool place.

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